Introducing the Knowledge Tracker

Exciting news! DealStreetAsia just launched The Knowledge Tracker for our readers. It’s a very innovative experience that we wanted to share with you what it’s all about and how we hope it can make DealStreetAsia better for you.

Knowledge is important to us at DealStreetAsia. The more we know the better we can be. And we know that our readers feel the same. Knowledge Tracker is all about increasing your knowledge of the topics we cover here at DealStreetAsia. You will find Knowledge Tracker at the end of each article where it will provide you with a view of your progress in covering the topic of the article and suggestions of which articles are best to read next.

The technology behind Knowledge Tracker, provided by our partner CRUX, might be complex – but what it does is intuitive. It measures your coverage of any DealStreetAsia topic based on the content of the articles you read. It then guides you towards articles that contain important views and information about that topic. Always working to show you key strands of the conversation you haven’t yet fully explored before. 

It’s not ‘more of the same’ – it’s ‘discover something new’. It’s the exact opposite of a filter bubble. 

As you can see Knowledge Tracker measures coverage on a 0-1,000 points scale. Having 0 points within a topic means you haven’t yet read any article relevant to it, having a 1,000 points means you’ve read them all. Knowledge Tracker recommends the articles that would best increase your knowledge, based on your individual journey so far. It will take into account every relevant article read across DealStreetAsia and will always offer the best route to discovery and deeper knowledge. 

When you’ve missed out on new relevant articles, Knowledge Tracker may indicate that your coverage has dropped. It will then guide you directly to the most informative new articles you haven’t read yet. Allowing – we hope – for a more human-friendly schedule of following topics. It’s OK to miss out – it won’t get lost.

Knowledge Tracker offers something extra. Self knowledge. Who are you as a reader? What do you care about more? What got your attention, and what lost it? We quantify so many aspects of our lives and observe them – but not knowledge. Knowledge Tracker allows a glimpse into your own knowledge universe, which some might find interesting. To make that into something a bit more than a glimpse we also launched the Knowledge Hub – a place where you can see how you are covering all of DSA’s topics, and of course navigate towards deeper knowledge. 

To ensure that your knowledge score and recommendations are aligned across devices, please register to create an account. You can do that here

We hope you will find the Knowledge Tracker helpful and fun.

Singapore Reporter/s

In Singapore, we are looking to double our reporting team by this year-end to comprehensively cover the fast-moving world of funded startups and VC, PE & M&A deals. We want reporters who can tell our readers what is really happening in these sectors and why it matters to markets, companies and consumers. The ability to write precisely and urgently is crucial for these roles. Ideal candidates must have to ability to work in a collaborative, dynamic, and fast-changing environment. We want our new hires to be digitally savvy and ready to experiment with new forms of storytelling. Most importantly, we are looking for hard-hitting reporters who work well in a team. Collaboration and collegiality are a must.

Following vacancies can be applied for (only in Singapore).

Following vacancies can be applied for (only in Singapore).   

  • A reporter to track companies/startups that have raised private capital, and have the potential to become unicorns. SEA currently has over 40 companies with a valuation of over $100 million and under $1 billion.
  • A reporter who can get behind the scenes and reveal how funding rounds are put together, or why they’ve failed to materialise. She/he in this role will largely focus on long-format stories. 
  • A journalist to track special situations funds, distressed debt and private credit (from the PE angle) across Asia.

Singapore Reporter/s

In Singapore, we are looking to double our reporting team by this year-end to comprehensively cover the fast-moving world of funded startups and VC, PE & M&A deals. We want reporters who can tell our readers what is really happening in these sectors and why it matters to markets, companies and consumers. The ability to write precisely and urgently is crucial for these roles. Ideal candidates must have to ability to work in a collaborative, dynamic, and fast-changing environment. We want our new hires to be digitally savvy and ready to experiment with new forms of storytelling. Most importantly, we are looking for hard-hitting reporters who work well in a team. Collaboration and collegiality are a must.

Following vacancies can be applied for (only in Singapore).

Following vacancies can be applied for (only in Singapore).   

  • A reporter to track companies/startups that have raised private capital, and have the potential to become unicorns. SEA currently has over 40 companies with a valuation of over $100 million and under $1 billion.
  • A reporter who can get behind the scenes and reveal how funding rounds are put together, or why they’ve failed to materialise. She/he in this role will largely focus on long-format stories. 
  • A journalist to track special situations funds, distressed debt and private credit (from the PE angle) across Asia.