Kopital Ventures raises $12m for early-stage investments in SE Asia

Kopital Ventures raises $12m for early-stage investments in SE Asia

James Prananto and Fandy Cendrajaya, Founding Partners of Kopital Ventures (Photo courtesy of Kopital Ventures)

Months after launching their angel investor network, Kenangan Brands co-founder James Prananto and Fandy Cendrajaya, who manages Kenangan Capital, have decided to take the network up a notch into a full-blown venture capital (VC) business.

Called Kopital Ventures, the newly launched sector-agnostic VC received an overwhelming response from the market as it managed to raise $12 million in its first close. That, according to the firm’s statement, was more than double its initial target of $5 million.

Edited by: Padma Priya

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